Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Psoriasis Natural Treatment Simple Tricks to Get Rid of Psoriasis in Quick Time

Psoriasis natural treatment is something that millions of people afflicted with the skin disease are almost always searching for. While there are no permanent cures known for this particular skin condition, the symptoms can be minimized to the maximum using some simple natural remedies.One of the major advantages with natural remedies is that unlike the case of synthetic drugs, there is no danger of side effects in the case of these methods.

In fact, this is one of the major reasons why people are opting for them in such large numbers.There are many herbal remedies, using some easily available ingredients that can help you get rid of the scaling of the skin, which is a characteristic symptom of the disease, in just a few days time. One such treatment includes bathing in lukewarm water which is filled with Epsom or Dead Sea salts. It has been found that the salts relieve itchiness and reduce inflammation by removing toxins out of the body.

Psoriasis Treatment Using Natural Remedies

Psoriasis natural treatment methods have already benefited thousands of people around the world. Another simple treatment for the condition includes spending at least 10 to 15 minutes in the sun every day. This helps the production of vitamin D in the body, a vital ingredient that helps in fighting of psoriasis lesions. Aloe Vera gel is also known to be highly effective in fighting off the symptoms of this skin disease. It can also be used along with olive oil to reduce itchiness of the skin.

Psoriasis natural treatment also consists of certain herbal ingredient that you can include in your diet. Some of them include herbs such as milk thistle and primrose oil. Turmeric is another natural herb that is known to be effective in reducing inflammation and itching of the skin. In general, you must make sure that your diet is balanced containing all the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Truth About Psoriasis and Its Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects between five to seven million people in the United States alone. The occurrence is equal among men and women and while it can affect individuals of any age, it is most commonly seen in adults.

The true cause of this life altering disease remains unclear. It appears to be related to the immune system and is many times worsened by specific triggers that can also cause exacerbations. While the list of triggers can be very individual, certain infections, the use of some medications, cigarettes, and alcohol seem to be general causes of reoccurrence.

Maybe the most common trigger reported by sufferers is stress. Because of this, it is imperative to identify and eliminate any stress causing aspects of the sufferer's life. This is only part of the necessary treatment in an attempt to gain control of the disease. Individuals that have psoriasis will also need to seek medical advice and research new psoriasis treatment options.

The visible characteristics of psoriasis present as thickened patches of red and inflamed skin that are usually covered by a layer of silvery scales. Psoriasis many times causes itching and soreness of the affected area.

These patches or plaques are caused by a skin cell overgrowth. These extra cells are deposited to the skin surface prior to their maturity. Individuals that do not suffer from psoriasis will have a normal 'turnover' of skin about every month. Psoriasis sufferers have this 'turnover' every few days.

The frequency of turnovers leads to the build up of skin on the surface. Some of the most common areas affected by psoriasis are the face, scalp, palms of the hands, elbows, knees, lower back and soles of the feet. However, psoriasis can occur in most areas of the body.

Treatment goals must address both psychosocial and physical aspects of this disease. Because this ailment leaves a negative impact on the quality of life, individuals must make life choices that will best support psoriasis remission.

One of the best decisions that a suffer can make is to avoid any triggers that they have found worsens or causes their outbreaks. In addition, treatment needs to address the best way to slow or eliminate the overgrowth of skin cells. Traditional treatment for mild to moderate psoriasis is to use topical medications and or UV light to assist in impeding cell production.

The location and severity of the disease will direct new psoriasis treatment. Topical applications are reasonable for localized outbreaks; however, generalized psoriasis may require oral medication.
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