Saturday, December 31, 2011

Acupuncture For Psoriasis - Does It Work?

By Charlie Breckenford

Using acupuncture to aid your psoriasis may seem unusual, and indeed, this age-old Chinese practice is not used in China itself to deal with psoriasis, probably since the condition is rare there. However, as science and nature have failed to discover a cure for psoriasis, and the fact that some rely on the use of acupuncture for psoriasis that can help them calm the plagues and lesions, maybe this natural alternative may be worth a try.

Severe psoriasis affects around 2% of the population in both the USA and Australia. Additionally there is roughly 20% of the population suffering from a mild to severe degree of this condition. Moreover, 1000s of new cases are documented every year making psoriasis a significant problem globally. The precise cause is unknown, but it is known this condition doesn't just affect the upper layer of skin; it is very likely to be linked to malfunctions in the body's defence mechanism that causes certain cells to become overactive.

Acupuncture uses thin, long needles which are inserted into the body at specific points along a 'network' of signal pathways that correspond to the problem area. This may or may not entail treatment in an affected region that can help resolve the problem. Signals will be redirected by acupuncture to where they need to be.

Although Western acupuncture professionals advocate the practice in the treatment of psoriasis, there is not much clinical evidence to support it. This may possibly be because of individual differences in how psoriasis exhibits in one person in comparison to another. Sadly, it's a case of experimentation in an effort to calm your problem.

Should you be looking for a fast cure, then go elsewhere, as you will require several sessions to discover whether acupuncture for psoriasis works for you. The good news of course is that there are no unwanted effects, except if you have an aversion to needles that may put your blood pressure up or cause a panic attack! If this sounds like you, you might be relieved to know that the practice is often now performed using electric currents and small probes instead of needles. This modern-day technique is said to be just as effective as needles.

So, if you have uses up the options I recommend that you give acupuncture for psoriasis a try. Personally, although I haven't tried acupuncture at all, I'd prefer the modern-day electric current version. But then, I'm a wimp!

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

What's Psoriasis And The Way To Diagnose It

By Claudio Rauer

Whenever you have psoriasis it has an effect on your skin and can be a quite devastating disease. It's considered to be caused directly by a failure of the immune system, in which T cells will incorrectly think that skin cells are a danger to the body. Why this occurs isn't crystal clear.

The signs and symptoms of psoriasis are different, but they usually involve flaky skin, and skin peeling off from particular parts of the body. You'll find different types of psoriasis also and, which affects diverse parts of the bodies and can affect signs and symptoms too. An important element in managing any condition is the immune system. It protects your body from viruses and diseases that can cause difficulties for us. You need to make sure your body has the correct nutrition to keep it at optimum working condition.

Two of the most important things you could take are Zinc and Vitamin C. Skin disorders like psoriasis can easily pop up for no clear reason. You'll find numerous factors, which can result in a break out, and if you understand what they are you can help ease the attacks. Psoriasis is something you have for life, but it is easy to learn how to control the breakouts. The cycle with which skin cells grow and die out will have an influence on this, but that cycle is generally quicker in the course of psoriasis in any case. Symptoms will often recur without any certain trigger, as the disease was only lying inactive.

Attempting to understand psoriasis can easily be hard. You truly have to bear in mind the fact that you'll find diverse kinds, and they have an effect on your various body parts in a different way. Dry, red, scaly skin is the consequence of plaque psoriasis, which is the most common. Around 4 out of every 5 cases of psoriasis are plaque psoriasis in one form or another. Another widespread form is guttate psoriasis, which is seen in folks recovering from throat infections, particularly young individuals. This type of the disease can often clear up completely; however, it can turn into plaque psoriasis. You'll find other kinds. However, they're extremely rare.

The best method to deal with psoriasis is to avoid things that trigger it. Living a wholesome life-style is a genuine plus for the people with this difficulty. You certainly do not want to smoke or drink as they are 2 main triggers. The most obvious trigger of all is a skin trauma, so be certain to avoid scenarios where this can easily take place. Try to avoid situations, like physical activities, that can easily make you fall and damage your skin.

While there's no psoriasis solution as such, there are steps it is easy to take to minimize symptoms, and also to reduce the chance of an attack occurring. Among the most essential factors is to keep an essentially healthful lifestyle, keeping away from such risk factors as smoking and alcohol. Quitting smoking can easily be challenging, however, it truly will help with your condition. Regular light exercise is useful to however stay away from things that can easily cause skin injuries.

Before you decide to begin any kind of treatment you have to make sure you really have psoriasis and not another skin infection. There is no blood test that can easily establish the existence of psoriasis, but an experienced physician is going to be able to identify it from the skin. Sometimes, a medical doctor will refer the patient to a skin specialist to be absolutely sure. Treatment can start the moment you know for sure. Even though there is no actual remedy for psoriasis, it is possible to alleviate the signs and symptoms. Derivatives of vitamin D are the safest treatment options to start with.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Psoriasis Symptoms - How You Can Spot This Disease On The Initial Stage

By Jennifer M. Silva

Psoriasis is known as a skin disease that alters the particular life cycle of one's skin cells. When someone has psoriasis their skin cells build up quickly on the surface of their skin and forms thick scales which have a silver appearance and so the scales are dry, itchy and red and usually are painful.

There are some who look at this disease as just a nuisance; but others find it disabling, especially if they experience arthritis. There will be no remedy for psoriasis but there are many treatments that give the patient relief. Natural exposure to sunlight for just a short period of time and using a nonprescription cortisone cream will help.

No one is sure about the cause of psoriasis; but a majority of scientists assume that the body's immune system is the main cause of this disorder. In addition, others feel that one's environment causes psoriasis. Presently, psoriasis is not curable; however, psoriasis can occasionally enter into remission,where the patient shows no symptoms of the disease.

Psoriasis is not contagious and you just cannot give it to someone else, if they touch your own skin. Psoriasis are usually forwarded to children through genetics and when talking to a talking, it is always advised to share with them about your family history.

Dermatologists know how to diagnose and treat psoriasis, as well as family physicians along with other medical doctors. Psoriasis is treated in several different ways, according to the severity of the disease. For a mild case of psoriasis, topical lotions, creams and sprays work well and safe.

And, sometimes small local injection of steroids into tough or resistant isolated psoriasis can be helpful. For all who posses a moderate to severe case of psoriasis, light treatments, pills or injections may be required; however, stronger medications may pose a greater health risk towards the patient.

Some patients have discovered treatment from this ailment from "rotational" therapy. This is the time dermatologists alter the cycles of psoriasis treatment every six to twenty-four months. This can be expected to lower the possible side effects that might originate from therapy or medication.

Psoriasis symptoms can vary individually but normally include one or possibly more with the following:

- Small scaling spots over the skin - Red patches of skin which are engrossed in scales that are silvery - Itching, soreness and/or burning - Nails which may be thickened and pitted - Joints that will be stiff and swollen

It is recommended to remember that in most cases psoriasis can be treated without the help of a doctor but sometimes; however, if a doctor is required to be seen. You know when you ought to visit your doctor if you have the following psoriasis symptoms and concerns:

- Your psoriasis causes you pain plus discomfort - You find that routine tasks are becoming more difficult - You might be worried about the appearance of your own skin. - You discover that you're having issues together with your joints for instance swelling, pain and therefore are incapable to do daily tasks that you just normally do.

In the event that your psoriasis symptoms are becoming worse, you may have to talk with your doctor about trying some other medication or some other treatment. So when psoriasis symptoms increase and then you require help and assistance, call your dermatologist or physician, today.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scalp Psoriasis - What You Need To Know About Treating Scalp Psoriasis

By Jennifer M. Silva

Scalp psoriasis is actually a non-lethal skin problem. The chronic inflammatory disease may affect the entire body but is most frequently on the scalp, elbows and then knees. It cannot be cured for psoriasis and is particularly not much of a contagious condition. Psoriasis may be handed over with the genes and it will be easily treated with medication.

Psoriasis affects people across the world. Anyone from the ethnic background or race can result in psoriasis. The cause of the condition is unknown yet is considered that the condition can be extremely mild and almost imperceptible or very severe, covering up the entire body.

The problem causes skin cells to reproduce quickly causing a thickening of the skin, rash, redness and bumps. The skin can become scaly, dry and flaky from the excess of skin cells. Like many incurable conditions psoriasis can go into remission or it can become worst.

Typically the condition presents in early childhood or early adulthood and it is treated with topical medications or analgesics. Persons who suffer from the severe kinds of psoriasis may have difficulty with social interactions and embarrassment.

The actual root of psoriasis remains a mystery. Like several diseases it is believed that psoriasis is due to mutations with the genes and/or environmental factors. Some think that psoriasis will be an autoimmune response though the trigger with these responses remains unknown.

If a human being is afflicted with scalp psoriasis then that could be a symptom for an autoimmune deficiency or disease.

The rashes brought on by scalp psoriasis can vary in appearance. Psoriasis can be shown as patches of red skin, scaly skin, dry patches or pimply bumps that may ooze with pus. The way in which psoriasis manifests varies according to person. Pain may be associated with scalp psoriasis as well as the other forms.

Any joint may be affected yet the most popular areas include the ankles, hands and knees. Psoriasis can also appear under the nail bed which then causes the nails to fall off.

The therapy for psoriasis is determined based on the individual. For mild types of the illness generally topical creams, lotions and sprays are prescribed. If needed steroid injections may be prescribed. For moderate to severe forms of the condition pills, lights or injections are prescribed for complete body treatment.

For the severe forms for instance the psoriatic arthritis then system medications are necessary to cure the condition. Many physicians will rotate various forms of therapy to be able to minimize uncomfortable side effects and to decrease possibilities of resistant outbreaks.

Whether you are affected by scalp psoriasis or from the other forms you can be assured that your particular prognosis is good. Most people respond well to treatment and the disease is usually kept manageable. Many have gone into remission for years during a period.

Improving these conditions also increases social interactions as many are embarrassed by the rash made by psoriasis. There are also support groups available to help persons cope with the emotional ramifications of just living with all the conditions surrounding psoriasis and it's many forms.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting Inside Psoriasis Is Key To Understanding It

By Carrie Westengate

If you are a sufferer it is important to get inside psoriasis itself to help you to understand and come to terms with the condition. By this it is intended to initially get the correct medical diagnosis by consulting your medical professional, figuring out what activates a flare-up and then getting the best psoriasis treatment possible for the every individual sufferer.

Psoriasis is now a huge problem in our society with more than seven million affected individuals in the USA alone. There's been a lot of money allotted to researching its causes and possible treatments, but thus far, this inflammatory skin disease continues to baffle scientists who often publish conflicting results. However, what has been generally agreed, is that it is an auto-immune disease where the body produces more skin cells than necessary and that results in the red, itchy, silvery scaling and sometimes bleeding lesions associated with psoriasis. It is also generally agreed that there are multiple triggers for the disease to flare-up and that these will vary between individuals. This makes it very hard for professionals to uncover the correct treatment for sufferers.

What causes psoriasis? Regrettably, no one really knows. However, it is generally agreed that it is a malfunction of the auto-immune system and that there is likely to be a genetic link. For some reason, when certain triggers exist, psoriasis will develop in certain individuals. What those triggers are differs between individuals which makes diagnosis and treatment more challenging. Four of the most likely culprits are diet, smoking, alcohol and stress.

In essence, psoriasis is found on almost any area of the body but is more often observed on the scalp, knees, elbows or torso. It is most often first observed between the ages of 15 and 35, and found in both men and women and throughout all racial groups.

Because there are numerous forms of psoriasis, e.g. guttate, rheumatoid and arthritic, treatment to get right inside psoriasis and help relieve the symptoms is usually a timely process of trial and error. For many, simple natural home remedies for psoriasis may help relieve any flare-ups, while for other people prescription drugs may be required. Simple treatments may involve just putting a damp towel on the itchy area, altering your diet, avoiding alcohol and smoking, drinking plenty of water and keeping your skin well moisturized. Keeping the skin moisturized, and the body hydrated is very important if your condition is more severe too, but you may well be prescribed steroids, topical immune-modulators, capsaicin or antihistamines for example. There isn't a known cure for psoriasis, but the trick is to discover what your trigger for any psoriasis flare-up is and avoid them.

It is an distressing condition which is often misunderstood by many people and can easily influence your self-esteem. If you do not realise this, it's also crucial to remember that psoriasis is not contagious, it may look unpleasant, but that is it. There is no cure for psoriasis as yet, so gaining control over the flare-ups and lowering their incidence is essential if this is a disorder you suffer from.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Psoriasis And Diet Go Hand In Hand.

By Pam Trivedi

Psoriasis is a condition which usually affects the skin and joints. It is a fact that psoriasis is not contagious. When someone has psoriasis they will usually have red or silvery white patches on their skin, known as plaques. Psoriasis is suffered by around 2-3% of the western population of all ages. There are five forms of psoriasis and plaques psoriasis is the most common which is suffered by 80% of psoriasis sufferers.

Although there is no medical cure for psoriasis, there are treatment options available and these include, phototherapy, lotions and creams and laser treatment and oral medication. Psoriasis is also linked to one's diet and that is what this piece will focus on. How diet and psoriasis relate to each other. You can get a Remedy For Psoriasis with your diet.

The way diet plays an important role for people who suffer from psoriasis is due to the fact that psoriasis sufferers lose vital nutrients because of their condition and they need to focus on getting these nutrients back into their system. What this is reported to do is potentially stop further out breaks of lesions. Of course it goes without saying that being properly nourished is also good for general health.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, members have reported significant improvements of their skin after reducing or cutting out certain types of food and ingredients.

Maintaining a diet that will help keep your psoriasis in check is about having a balanced diet that is good for general health and wellbeing. In doing so you should also try to avoid food and ingredients that will cause outbreaks of psoriasis.

What kind of diet should someone who has psoriasis be on?

It may not sound or be ground breaking, but a low fat and well balanced diet has been proven to prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease and strokes. What a lot of people do not know is that doctors have recorded from psoriasis patients that their skin has shown improvements when they are on a low fat diet. It has also been reported that psoriasis sufferers who have gained weight are more likely to have psoriatic outbreaks. There are certain foods and ingredients that medical professionals advise psoriasis sufferers to avoid. These are caffeine, alcohol, white flour, anything that contains gluten and purified sugar. Acidic and sour foods are also advised against as well as food that is not easily digestible. Less salt is advised as is refraining from eating meat or eggs. Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for psoriasis sufferers as is Omega 3 and pumpkins. Linseed oil supplements and lecithin are also said to be very good for psoriasis sufferers. On a final note, water and an intake of iron have also been reported to be very beneficial.

Well, that's it for now. You are armed with some vital information about the relationship of your psoriasis with your diet. As we said right in the beginning, there is not yet a known cure for psoriasis, but there are treatments available and some of these are completely natural and we'll talk about them at a later stage. For now though, you have all the information you need as far as your diet is concerned to take action now and bring your psoriasis under control.

The information given here is not meant as medical advice nor is it meant to replace any medical advice given by a doctor or common sense. Please consult with a medical professional before trying any treatment or suggestions given here.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Psoriasis And Diet

By Milan Love

Altering your food intake could make all the difference in the world, especially if you have psoriasis. Our bodies is filled with toxins from the oxygen we all breathe to the actual meals we consume. The easiest way to remove these kinds of toxic compounds is by the urine and not through the skin; this is especially necessary for individuals with skin psoriasis.

Should you be diagnosed with skin psoriasis, it is wise to make positive changes to eating habits as soon as possible to relieve the indications. Eating whole foods rather than processed foods is a great start. You would want to maintain the toxins in the system to a minimum which is accomplished by consuming organic produce instead of produce grown using pesticides. However, if natural foods are out of your reach, make sure to at least wash off fruits and vegetables very well to get rid of all the compounds.

Raw is a good route to consume veggies simply because they lose some nutrients when prepared. Raw veggies are actually higher in fiber and are generally easy for the digestive system to process. A few food items that happen to be simple for the digestive system to process tend to be beans, seafood, nuts, green, leafy vegetables, and fruit. The greater vegetables and fruits which are in your diet the lower the probability that you're to develop allergic reaction.

Fats are usually not really great for the body, but the body does need a modest amount of essential fatty acids to properly perform. Fatty acids play a role in eliminating in addition to decreasing inflammation. A number of the finest essential fatty acids you can add to the diet plan tend to be cold water fish, flaxseed, and leafy green vegetables.

High salt food is harmful to you and it could make you dehydrated. Not all salt is created equal. Switching out your processed salt with sea salt is more natural, wholesome option. Natural sea salt can raise your energy, help ease the the signs of allergies and also rashes, combat radiation, balance the acid in the body, offer important minerals, lend resistance to infection, as well as replace lost electrolytes.

By just altering your diet, your body will take measures to naturally mend itself and stay healthier.

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