Monday, April 16, 2012

A Thought On Natural Remedies For Chronic Psoriasis

By Howell Booblekin

Psoriasis is among the toughest skin problems to deal with. Some chronic sufferers in their 40s have it since they were teenagers and they're still in search of a cure. Chronic sufferers find this skin disease baffling because it keeps appearing and disappearing with no any logical reason. The fact that there is no single reason for this skin condition is even more frustrating. While it is almost impossible to identify the actual reason for psoriasis in a person, it may result from several factors such as irregular metabolism, heredity, skin injury, change of season, infections and allergies. Although there are several medicines for this skin condition, they may not work for everyone because each person may have got it for a different reason. This means that the secret of psoriasis cure lies in finding the root cause of the problem.

Even though psoriasis can appear in the skin of just about any section of the body, it is especially common in the knees, elbows, lower back, chest and scalp. You can find five various variations of psoriasis: erythrodermic, guttate, inverse, plaque and pustular. The psoriasis you see on most people is plaque. Each type has slightly different symptoms, but the general symptom is a patch of itchy red skin covered with silver white flakes that look like scales on the affected area. Because it itches badly and the affected area looks unhygienic, having psoriasis can be highly frustrating and embarrassing.

Drugs often used for psoriasis cure are retinoids, methotrexate and cyclosporine. However, many experts do not recommend these medications because they may be extremely harsh for a lot of afflicted people. Some sufferers like to use ointments, skin lotions, creams, shampoos and moisturizers. Sometimes, ultraviolet light is used. While these methods have been beneficial to a lot of people, there are people who have never been been cured of the condition no matter what method they had tried. For such chronic sufferers, natural cure may be the only cure.

All natural cure for any specific condition involves a long term process, rather than a quick relief. This means that the sufferer must be prepared to wait for weeks, months and even years for the treatment to show its effect. Proponents of natural remedy have recommended various solutions for psoriasis, such as fish oil, vegan diet free of gluten, oatmeal bath, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, vitamins and herbals supplements, water therapy, aromatherapy, herbs, soaking in water, Dead Sea Salt, sunlight and relaxation.

With so many natural cures advised by the experts, it should not be difficult for chronic sufferers to find a cure for themselves. But, the fact is that the experts themselves do not agree on many issues. Some lay emphasis on proper diet to cleanse the system, while others have a view that diet has no effect. However, most seem to agree that relieving stress, avoiding injury, taking vitamins and water therapy can actually work. The simplest natural cure recommended by the proponents is to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to keep the skin hydrated. Applying apple cider vinegar on the affected areas is also said to be effective. Vitamins, fruit juice and fish oil can also be solutions. As for vegan diet, it simply is not feasible for non-vegans. While harsh sunlight is bad for psoriasis, mild sunlight in the morning may actually help the sufferers. Soaking in water every day may also help cure the condition. Dead Sea Salt sounds a bit too far-fetched, although that may work. As for the rest of them, why not give each a try?; if they won't work, they also won't hurt. If nothing works, then you may have to accept psoriasis as an inalienable element of your everyday life and learn to live life with it.

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